Eric on The Road

Journeys into the offbeat, off the beaten path, overlooked and forgotten - by Eric Model

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Mule Day Parade & Popcorn Factory on "Terrorist Target List" (NYT)

As federal terrorism funds are being cut to New York and Washington DC by 40 per cent (At a time that a terrorist plot was discovered to blow up the Path train tunnel under the Hudson River), the Dept. Of Homeland Security has included the following in the federal antiterrorism data-base: Old MacDanald's Petting Zoo, The Amish Popcorn factory, The Mule Day Parade, and the Sweetwater Flea Market. This according to today's (Wed, July 11, 2006) New York Times front page story.
"We didn't find it embarrassing", stated a deputy press Secretary at the Department of Homeland Security.

But the inspector general at HSA disagreed.

An audit of the list prompted the following conclusion, "The presence of large numbers of out-of-place assets taints the credibility of the data".

The owner of one site listed, The Amish Popcorn Factory, was surprised by its inclusion:

"I am out in the middle of nowhere", said Brian Lehman of the Popcorn Factory which is based in Berne, Indiana."We are nothing but a bunch of Amish buggies and tractors out here. No one would care".

But for those of us heading to a Hidden America event, I guess it is good that someone does care (as long as we decide not to go to NYC or DC).


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