Eric on The Road

Journeys into the offbeat, off the beaten path, overlooked and forgotten - by Eric Model

Friday, November 10, 2006

Return Day - A Day of Reconciliation in Delaware

Some in Washington, DC have suddenly gone to talking about bi-partisanship after six years of polarization. Whether this old dog is capable of flashing new tricks remains to be seen.

In Georgetown, Delaware there is a tangible tradition of actual reconciliation. It is called Return Day and occurred again on November 9, 2006.

There the winning and losing candidates from Election Day 2006 (November 7) rode together in open horse drawn carriages and antique automobiles in a biennial parade 200 years in the making.

After the parade join Delaware's political leaders gathered on the Wilmington Trust Main Stage on The Circle in front of the historic Sussex County Courthouse (circa 1837) to hear the Town Crier deliver the returns from the Courthouse balcony.

Then the symbolic and dramatic "Burial of the Tomahawk" by Sussex County's party chairmen officially ended Delaware's political season.

There was also a "free" Carl M. Freeman Companies OX ROAST SANDWICH available after the burial of the tomahawk. The slow cooked beef was barbequed open pit style starting on Wednesday night with a big party next to the Courthouse.

A good time was had by all.

Now, when does the next campaign start ?


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