Eric on The Road

Journeys into the offbeat, off the beaten path, overlooked and forgotten - by Eric Model

Saturday, March 08, 2008

What's life like for Anglophones in Quebec? (Montreal Gazette)

From The Montreal Gazette:

"Hello everyone. My name is Paul, and I'm a PhD student from the University of Cambridge. I've come to Montreal for the summer in order to better understand what life is like for the English speaking communities in and around Montreal. I have been reading (with a considerable amount of interest) the discussions that take place here. I was particularly interested in the variety of emotions and positions expressed in the post about Quebec separation, which seemed to me to really reveal a wide range of different attitudes towards life today in and around Montreal. So, if anyone might be interested, I would really be quite grateful to hear your opinion about what it?s like to be an English speaker in Quebec today. For example, I would love to hear about episodes of day to day life that you find interesting, or stories from your past and how life might have changed since you were young, or your concerns about the present political environment, or what you think the future might hold for Quebec and English speaking Quebecers, or really anything that you might feel like sharing or expressing. Thanks in advance for any time and help you can give me, and I really look forward to learning more about your community...."

For the discussion on this question, see:


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