Eric on The Road

Journeys into the offbeat, off the beaten path, overlooked and forgotten - by Eric Model

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Remembering René Lévesque on Quebec's Day of Celebration (CBC News)

June 24 is the Fete Nationale of Quebec (also called St. Jean the Baptist Day - Fete St. Jean Baptiste). It has become a day of celebration of things Quebecoise - including politics and culture.

To put some context into the day and its meaning, we refer you to this archival section at

"In the 1960s, René Lévesque made the prospect of a separate Quebec a reality. A shrewd politician, he gathered enough support to start the first sovereignty party Canadians took seriously. The Parti Québécois thrived because of his hard work, charm and democratic approach. In an era when some preferred to use firebombs to get their point across, Lévesque wanted Quebecers to vote on separation. Although the Quebec premier lost his 13-year fight after the 1980 referendum, he is remembered for winning countless other victories for francophones."


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