Eric on The Road

Journeys into the offbeat, off the beaten path, overlooked and forgotten - by Eric Model

Friday, September 26, 2008

Heard on the Radio: Buffalo Round-up

It's a rite of autumn in the Custer State Park in South Dakota.

Each year they stage a Buffalo Roundup, this year the 43rd annual edition. In it Park staff, cowboys and cowgirls saddle up to move the park's 1,500 bison to the buffalo corrals.

The roundup serves several purposes. The first is to move the entire herd into a system of corrals along the Wildlife Loop Road.

Once in the corrals, the animals are sorted by the park's resource personnel. Most are released back into the park, while others remain in the corrals until a November 15, 2008 buffalo auction.

In a Left Jab "Hidden America" segment, we spoke with Park Superintendent Richard Miller about the Round-up - how they do it, and who participates (You & I can help, if we want to).

By the way, check out this these two 30 second videos capturing the Buffalo Round-up:

The segment can be heard on "Left Jab Radio", XM Radio Channel 167 on Saturday at 11 am and gain on Sunday at 1 pm (Times Eastern). If you should miss it there, starting next week, it can be heard as a podcast at


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