Eric on The Road

Journeys into the offbeat, off the beaten path, overlooked and forgotten - by Eric Model

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Podcast Posting: A Running of the Bulls in Alberta

I had seen the video from Spain and Mexico of Bulls running after folks. But a running of bulls in Canada ?

In fact, there is such an event annually in Strathmore, Alberta, which hosts Canada’s third largest rodeo. Strathmore is the first Canadian city to run the bulls.

For $20 (yes, you pay!), you can don a red shirt and run a track with a rampaging bull behind you.

Strathmore’s Heritage Days is also home of the finals for the “World Professional Chuckwagon Association” as well Canada’s third largest rodeo.

Carolyn Charles speaks with us about it all from Strathmore. I’m curious just how many bulls there are. Also does anyone ever get seriously hurt ? And finally, just who would pay to potentially be gorged by a bull ?



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