Eric on The Road

Journeys into the offbeat, off the beaten path, overlooked and forgotten - by Eric Model

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Podcast Posting: Wise Economies & Smart Community Narratives

We like to share these “Journeys into” stories with you. We find them unique and entertaining. Good stuff. We hope you agree.

At the same time, this “good stuff” can mean dollars – especially to communities. These stories and narratives can be “smart community stories and narratives” – specifically as much needed catalysts for economic development – whether in the from of travel and tourism, or Main Street quality of life.

Morerover, these smart narratives can be part of a broader contenporary approach to community and communties in the 21st century – part of a “Wise Economy”

In this Conversation, we speak with Della Rucker. Della has over 17 years’ professional experience in economic development, community planning, entrepreneurship development and public involvement. An area of expertise is the preparation of comprehensive plans, market analyses, economic development strategies, community participation initiativeand other project for dozens of communities.

She adeptly can help make these important principles understandable and something that communities can use ofr both immediate and long-term tangible results.



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