Eric on The Road

Journeys into the offbeat, off the beaten path, overlooked and forgotten - by Eric Model

Monday, May 31, 2010

One Hundred Faces Of War Gives Soldiers A Voice (NPR)

From NPR News:

By Margot Adler
Weekend Edition Sunday

From his small studio in Amherst, Mass., painter Matthew Mitchell felt disconnected from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He watched the news about them ebb and flow in the pages of newspapers. Sometimes the stories disappeared altogether.

"The big danger that we have is that we can forget about war," Mitchell says. He decided to keep that from happening.

His project, titled 100 Faces of War Experience, is deceptively simple. He's painting 100 portraits of people who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's intended "to be a true look into something, not to be loaded with previously conceived prejudice."

So far, he's finished 33 paintings and says the process has taken on a much more powerful reality than he realized it would.


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