Former Love Returns to Town for Playoffs:"It's Hard to Look at the Blue & White Uniforms And Cheer Against Them" (Baltimore Sun)
From The Baltimore Sun:
The Colts are playing their first playoff game into Baltimore years. But last time around the Colts were the home team. Today they are the visitors - at least to most.
The Colts fled Baltimore for Indianapolis years ago. They were replaced on the field by the Ravens, and it is the Ravens (themselves formerly the Cleveland Browns)who since have won a Super Bowl - not the Colts.
These unique circumstances and divided loyalties by some are examined in the Baltimore Sun.
"I'd hoped this day would never come," Baldwin said of the first playoff between the clubs. "It's going to hurt, but I have to root for the Ravens.
"It's heartbreaking, rooting against my Colts. It's hard to look at the blue-and-white uniforms and cheer against them.
"They'll always be in my heart.",0,7955468.story?coll=bal-home-headlines
By the way, the day after the game the headline in the Baltimore Sun read "City's old team leaves with win over Ravens". Final Score: Indianapolis (formerly Baltimore) Colts 15 Baltimore 6.
Dave Anderson writes of this subplot to Saturday's game in Sunday's New York Times:
The Colts are playing their first playoff game into Baltimore years. But last time around the Colts were the home team. Today they are the visitors - at least to most.
The Colts fled Baltimore for Indianapolis years ago. They were replaced on the field by the Ravens, and it is the Ravens (themselves formerly the Cleveland Browns)who since have won a Super Bowl - not the Colts.
These unique circumstances and divided loyalties by some are examined in the Baltimore Sun.
"I'd hoped this day would never come," Baldwin said of the first playoff between the clubs. "It's going to hurt, but I have to root for the Ravens.
"It's heartbreaking, rooting against my Colts. It's hard to look at the blue-and-white uniforms and cheer against them.
"They'll always be in my heart.",0,7955468.story?coll=bal-home-headlines
By the way, the day after the game the headline in the Baltimore Sun read "City's old team leaves with win over Ravens". Final Score: Indianapolis (formerly Baltimore) Colts 15 Baltimore 6.
Dave Anderson writes of this subplot to Saturday's game in Sunday's New York Times:
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