Eric on The Road

Journeys into the offbeat, off the beaten path, overlooked and forgotten - by Eric Model

Saturday, March 03, 2007

An Heir to Hockey in Quebec - A New Winter Extreme Sport; Crashed Ice (NY Times)

Apparently there are a number of sports filling the void traditionally held by hockey in Canada (See entry about curling below).

Today's New York Times reports about a new evolving sport - Crashed Ice, an ice skating race invented by Red Bull, the energy-drink maker.

According to the Times article, Crashed Ice is described as cross between hockey and snowboardcross. Three racers at a time, dressed in hockey equipment, whip down what looks like a large bobsled run, battling to stay on their skates. They will hurdle over jumps and ledges, down steep sections and around four hairpin turns in front of an expected crowd of 50,000.

Starting in 2000 in Stockholm, Crashed Ice events have been held in five international cities since. In Quebec for the first time last year, 35,000 people stood outside on a winter's night to watch. This year 1,400 people attempted to qualify to compete at 14 locations in Canada and the United States, said the article.

"It has such a strong connection with Canadians", said Keith DeGrace, communications director of Red Bull Canada to the Times. "It's a hockey culture".

For more on Red Bull Crashed Ice, see the complete article and pictures at:


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