Canadian cuisine a smorgasbord of regional flavours (CanWest News Service
From The Montreal Gazette through CanWest News Service:
By George Pandi , For Canwest News Service
"....Cuisine Canada, a patriotic foodie movement, has been promoting a national culinary identity to counter the global fads..."
"...Canada has many regions each with their own climates and many microclimates. Each of these inspires chefs differently; their creations vary. You'll have to travel to taste them because, thank heaven, they don't work for chains with identical menus coast to coast...."
"....Eating Canadian is an exploration -- the country is too big to have a single national cuisine. To paraphrase former prime minister Joe Clark, Canada has a cuisine of cuisines. Not a stew pot, but a smorgasbord...."
Also see: What makes Canadian cuisine distinct? Four top chefs speak out
By George Pandi , For Canwest News Service
"....Cuisine Canada, a patriotic foodie movement, has been promoting a national culinary identity to counter the global fads..."
"...Canada has many regions each with their own climates and many microclimates. Each of these inspires chefs differently; their creations vary. You'll have to travel to taste them because, thank heaven, they don't work for chains with identical menus coast to coast...."
"....Eating Canadian is an exploration -- the country is too big to have a single national cuisine. To paraphrase former prime minister Joe Clark, Canada has a cuisine of cuisines. Not a stew pot, but a smorgasbord...."
Also see: What makes Canadian cuisine distinct? Four top chefs speak out
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