Eric on The Road

Journeys into the offbeat, off the beaten path, overlooked and forgotten - by Eric Model

Friday, May 02, 2008

A Fan's Memories of Playoff Times Past

Yes, it's playoff time. Far better than anything you'll see during the course of the year.

But still something is missing. More than something. I had to go into YouTube appreciate just how much has changed in hockey.

Where there were once 4, then 8 teams in the playoffs, it now starts with 16. And there's more - they advertising, the loud music, the canned encouragement "Clap hands" signs.

But a comment on a YouTube of a 1979 Hockey Night in Canada playoff broadcast (Toronto at Montreal - Danny Gallivan and Dick Irvin at the mikes) probably put it best:

"...Look at that beutiful atmosphere in the can feel the crowd's excitement...and the incomparable Roger Doucette....get rid of the U2/Vertigo sh-t they play now and the irritating horn...and the towels. Also, what happened to the fans in Montreal who would dress in their best clothes when attending Canadiens games and not sweats? Why are we emulating the simpletons of the NHL who have few if any Cups to their credit? It's a joke...."


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