Eric on The Road

Journeys into the offbeat, off the beaten path, overlooked and forgotten - by Eric Model

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dreams of a Unified Northwest Are Halted at the Border (NY Times)

From The New York Times:

The Winter Olympics have made for strange days here in what many call Cascadia.

In a region that has spent decades trying to transcend its international border, the Games increased optimism that British Columbia and this northwest corner of the United States would draw closer, deepening environmental, economic and cultural connections. Yet the Olympics have been a reminder that since Sept. 11, 2001, the border has become more rigid than ever, and dreams of a united Cascadia remain just that.

“The place is a whole,” said David McCloskey, a retired professor of sociology at Seattle University and one of Cascadia’s earliest advocates, “but it’s chopped up.”


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