Eric on The Road

Journeys into the offbeat, off the beaten path, overlooked and forgotten - by Eric Model

Monday, March 05, 2007

First Tuesday in March: A special VPR documentary on the institution of Town Meeting (Vermont Public Radio)

From Vermont Public Radio:

More than a century ago lawmakers designated the first Tuesday in March as a day for town meeting. Now changing times are threatening the health of this democratic institution. What is the future of town meeting day?

This hour long documentary, narrated by VPR's Steve Delaney, explores the rich tradition of Town Meeting Day, its importance to Vermont life and the challenges to grassroots democracy during changing times. The program includes insight from all the experts: the voters, moderators, clerks, the governor, the secretary of state, legislators and the political scientists. And rgere's a lot about the ideas that are being put forward to strengthen town meeting in the future.


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